God: Additional Articles About God
The top five articles
- The God Revealed in Jesus Christ (an introduction to Trinitarian faith)
- An Introduction to God, by Michael Morrison
- We Were Always on His Mind, by Joseph Tkach
- Who’s Afraid of God’s Judgment?, by Neil Earle
- Finding God, by Clayton Steep
Additional articles
- Who Is God?, by Joseph Tkach
- Knowing God, by Joseph Tkach
- Afraid of God? by Tammy Tkach
- Predestination: Does God Choose Your Fate?, by J. Michael Feazell
- God Is… (booklet):
- Introduction
- chapter 1: In Search of the Eternal
- chapter 2: How God Reveals Himself
- chapter 3: “The Lord Our God, the Lord Is One”
- chapter 4: Jesus Reveals God
- chapter 5: One in Three and Three in One
- chapter 6: Humanity’s Relationship with God
- Let God Be God, by J. Michael Feazell
- Avoiding the Pitfall of Panentheism, by Gary Deddo
- God’s Wrath